Independent Jewish Day School

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Pupil Leadership

IJDS is proud of its pupils and the leadership opportunities that they have during their time at the school.In the 2022 Ofsted Report, inspectors noted that ‘Pupils contribute a great deal to the life of the school. They take their responsibilities seriously. For example, the eco-council committee works passionately to promote the environment and energy-saving ideas.’


At IJDS, we understand the importance of pupil voice and instil within our children the skills and confidence to represent and communicate their views and opinions, promoting critical thinking, independence and confidence in public speaking.We have a range of different opportunities for pupils to be leaders and develop leadership skills. These include:


  • Public speaking
  • Leading assemblies
  • Class presentations
  • Student Council
  • Eco-Committee
  • Prefects
  • Sports Teams
  • Buddies
  • Giving tours of the school


Student Council:

As part of this, we have a Student Council that commences in Kitta Bet and is a democratically-elected position that changes every year. The team meet on a regular basis to discuss projects that they want to run in school and the changes that they would like to see.


“I am proud that we raised a lot of money for Israel.”


“I like that the children at IJDS work together as a team.”


“I love the after-school activities, are there are always lots of fun, educational things to do.”


“I’m proud to have be able to represent my class on the Student Council and try to make positive changes to the school.”


“Our dream would be an ice-skating rink and an underground swimming pool! If not, can we buy a reading shed, a treehouse, a curly-whirly slide and monkey bars?”


The Student Council also organise the Tzedakah collections, promoting the charities throughout the school and raising money each week.



The Eco-Committee is made up of 6 pupils from Kitta Vav. Their mission statement is to make us a ‘Green School’, committed to improving electricity use, increasing recycling and developing new ways of helping the environment around us. We are also committed to cleaning up our site and helping our neighbours.


‘Pupils take on responsibilities readily. Pupils regularly collect litter in the local community. They came up with the idea of shrinking crisp packets to make keyrings that could be sold to raise funds for charity.’


Subject Ambassadors:

From the Summer of 2024, we have introduced Subject Ambassadors for Art & DT, Computing and Science, who will support the subject leaders, class teachers and engagement of their subject area around the school. They are the 'voice' of these subjects and will be working collaboratively with the subject leaders to develop awareness, excitement, engagement and enrichment in these areas.