Welcome to Independent Jewish Day School
I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of the Independent Jewish Day School Academy and to work with a fantastic team of staff, governors and parents in order to provide the best possible secular and Kodesh education for our children.
We are a modern Orthodox school whose values and ethos embody a love of Torah, Mitzvot and Medinat Yisrael, with the IJDS being the only school in the UK to teach our entire Kodesh curriculum in Ivrit. From the moment the children enter our Gan until they leave at the end of Kitta Vav, their daily lives are enriched and imbued with Ivrit, Torah and Israel.
The school’s motto of Ready, Respectful, Safe and Kind is one that we strive to live by each day, building and developing independence, resilience, determination and academic success. We are proud of our British Values, which are weaved into and throughout our curricula, supporting and helping to foster a love for learning.
Every child really does matter at IJDS and it is our commitment to ensuring that every individual is supported, respected, looked after and given the tools they need in order to succeed. The opportunities we provide for our children extends beyond the classroom with regular participation in sports tournaments, trips, celebrations of Chagim and festivals of other faiths, Tzedakah, School Council, Eco-committee, prefects, dance festivals, music recitals, after-school clubs and more. These help to prepare the children for life in Britain and the wider world, enabling them to become vital parts of our planet’s future. And this is just the start of what we hope to achieve and offer to our children!
Please have a look around our website at our curriculum, learn more about our active and supportive PTA and please do get in touch if you would like to visit us in person. We’d be delighted to welcome you to the IJDS family!
Mr Yosh Radomsky